Department of Constitutional Law

The Section of Constitutional Law is one of the sections that can be taken by students who choose a focus or specialization in the field of Constitutional Law. After taking basic courses, students have the opportunity to choose the HTN Section as an interest starting in the sixth semester, where they will prepare a final project in accordance with the study of Constitutional Law. The courses offered in the Constitutional Law section are compulsory interest courses and interest elective courses.

Objectives of Constitutional Law Section

The purpose of the division in the Section of Constitutional Law (HTN) is to provide convenience for students in preparing their final project. By choosing this focus, students can explore specific aspects of state administrative law, allowing them to integrate theoretical knowledge with practice.

Courses in the Section of Constitutional Law

The courses operationalized in the Section of Constitutional Law (HTN) consist of Faculty Compulsory Courses and HTN Section Interest Courses, which are scheduled from semester 2 to semester 7.

The Constitutional Law Section (HTN) at the Faculty of Law, University of Lampung has a teaching team consisting of 16 lecturers, who are distributed in 3 Peer Groups. This Peer Group includes Constitutional Law, which has 8 lecturers, including prominent figures such as Prof. Rudy, S.H., LL.M., LL.D., and Dr. Yusnani Hasjimzum, S.H., M.Hum.

Skills and abilities of students after taking the Constitutional Law

After completing the mandatory courses in administrative law, students are expected to possess the following skills and competencies:

1. Students are expected to be able to understand and analyze the state constitution and the basic principles contained therein

2. Able to analyze and evaluate existing laws and regulations and legal practices, as well as provide recommendations based on objective and data-based analysis.

3. Mastering good argumentation skills, high legal awareness, and ethical attitudes are also important expectations for carrying out the legal profession in the future

4. Able to convey arguments and opinions clearly and persuasively, both orally and in writing.

5. Have an awareness of being able to apply constitutional law theory in real practice, including conducting legal research, drafting legal documents, and participating in advocacy or litigation.

Profession Direction of Graduates from Constitutional Law Section

With the knowledge gained from this course, students are expected to have a career as a Judge in the Courts and Advocates Court Legal Analysis, Constitutional Law Expert, Legal Drafter, Prosecutor, Advocate or Lawyer, legal consultant, or even work in government agencies and non-government organizations that focus on legal issues and public policy. Studies in Constitutional Law (HTN) are highly valued by graduate users as they cover all aspects of governance. Students who have graduated from the HTN Section, equipped with knowledge and practical experience, work in the government and private sectors as legal practitioners, academics, and legal activists.

In English


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Faculty of Law
University of Lampung

Jln. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1 Gedong Meneng Bandar Lampung, Indonesia 35145|
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