FH Unila Student Wins 1st Place in Blog Competition at the 59th Anniversary of Universitas Lampung

02/10/2024 | Jay_F | 0

(FH Unila): The Faculty of Law at Universitas Lampung achieved first place in the best blog competition during the 59th anniversary celebration of the university.

Mutiara Nurhaliza, Unila Student, Represents Indonesia at Harvard WorldMUN 2024

21/03/2024 | Jay_F | 0

On March 21, 2024, it was announced that Mutiara Nurhaliza (@mutiaranhlz), a student from the Law Program at Lampung University (Unila), has been selected to represent Indonesia at the Harvard World Model United Nations (Harvard WorldMUN) 2024, organized by Harvard University in Taipei, Taiwan. Mutiara, a recipient of the Djarum Beasiswa Plus (Beswan Djarum) program, successfully outperformed hundreds of other applicants from across Indonesia to participate in this prestigious event. Harvard WorldMUN is the most esteemed simulation of United Nations (UN) sessions, attracting over 2,000 participants from 110 countries each year. This event is regarded as the largest international MUN competition hosted by Harvard University.

Juara 1 Pekan Olah Mahasiswa Nasional (POMNAS/PADANG)

08/12/2022 | kemah | 0

Nur Halim meraih Medali Emas Pekan Olah Mahasiswa (POMNAS) di Padang .

Pengumuman Hasil Pilmapres Tingkat Universitas Tahun 2022

27/06/2022 | kemah | 0


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    Faculty of Law
    University of Lampung

    Jln. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1 Gedong Meneng Bandar Lampung, Indonesia 35145|
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    Email: humasfh@fh.unila.ac.id
